So sorry that this post is delayed. I have been sick since Saturday so I haven't felt much like writing. I haven't been this sick for awhile and there is just nothing worse than being sick in a foreign country, it makes you homesick like nothing else. I had to Skype my mom just to have her tell me I'll be ok soon. However I thought I would fill you in on just some highlights where I left off last time. Thursday the 19th we had our first wash-up duty. Here they assign 5-6 people depending on the night which is so nice. Makes everything so much quicker.
Here Matt is threatening Caroline, his adopted Myanmar little sister.

We finished in an hour which is pretty good considering all the tables had to be reset too! Friday evening we had Market and then after we spent the evening with our next door neighbors. He is the overseer of the project here and it was nice getting to know him and his wife better. We watched a movie and it was so convenient to walk 2 feet and be home for the evening! Saturday morning we got to Skype with family before we went out and about in the morning (it was SO nice to see you gals). I met someone who spoke excellent English (I thought) to visit with and when I said I'd like to leave him with a gift he said "Why? We just met?" Since I had not encountered this response I looked to the local brother with me for help and it turns out that he thought I said KICK. So. We were all thoroughly confused but had a good laugh in the end. Hopefully we will visit again. No kicking. Matt found a lizard. Actually he was the biggest reptile we have seen so far here, even bigger than our house geckos.

We went to a mall for a break. I love air conditioning. The mall was hosting a gamers extravaganza. The guys (ALL guys. Not a woman to be seen anywhere nearby.) in line were just dying to start gaming. Since it was a game that we really couldn't consider playing as peaceable people I can only say, GEEKS!

If it had been a Mario Kart Competition we might have had to investigate it more closely. We found Cream Puffs and Iced Tea in the food court. Ohmygoodnesssoyummy. Mine was apple cheese, I chose it over chocolate even and was not disappointed.

Matt chose Oreo Smoothie and Chocolate Chocolate. Since we are on the other side of the world I guess our taste buds are backwards and switched places too.

We went to a grocery store and I found a new friend.

We took the picture for our nieces. We thought they would like to know they have teddy bears where we are! Here is something you will not see in Wyoming. Buddhist Monk Gift Baskets. They have robes and food and fans and donation pots and umbrellas. Everything that one would need if they were entering into a monastery here for awhile.

In the afternoon I hung family and friends photos in our room so now it is even homier:). We made kabobs for dinner and ate at House 1 with Jeshua and Kendra, our buddies that helped us in Bangkok.
Sunday morning Matt made a yummy oven baked pancake for breakfast. On our way down our road after meeting on Sunday we saw a man sharpening knives. I took a video too, so we can show that when we get back to any interested ones. So cool.

We went to the market to get some shirts made for Matt. We shopped around a bit and then went for SUSHI! They didn't have regular silverware as an option (that's when you know you are not in the states anymore, if everything else didn't convince you), so Matt had to learn to use chopsticks.

Took him a little tutelage from Lenny to figure it out. But his efforts were rewarded because the food was so fantastic. And seriously inexpensive. It was less than 4 bucks per person. I couldn't get full off the dollar menu at McDonald's for that at home. This was so satisfying. Plus, we didn't get sick. BONUS! I have never enjoyed Calamari so much. Ever. In fact I'm spoiled now. Might not eat it at home now because after that meal I'm a snob about it.

Well that finishes up that week. You might be able to tell that I haven't talked to anyone besides Matt this week so the words keep pouring out. (Talked to mom on Skype like I mentioned but my fever was so high she mostly had to talk to me. I was just happy to listen:) Well I will try to get another post out quick to get all caught up if I can. Just one more picture for Karen R.:

I mean, obviously I took pictures of our toes directly after the spa adventure, I just didn't post em in case people didn't want to see my feet. However, she had a valid point, I take pictures of toilets, why not toes? This color matched my purse. Love you all! Thank you for the comments and the emails this week. It seriously brightens our days to hear from you all. Please, don't stop!