Well time to blog again. I have no idea if I will ever get caught up here because we have literally taken zillions of pictures (ok, maybe not zillions) in the past week, so I'm just going to do what I can, as I can. One thing about being a floater is that I get to know lots of the brothers and sisters. Tuesday the 21 I was floating in laundry which happened to be the good-bye Rachel Tea Break for her. (You may notice that in the last blog and this one there was alot of good-bye parties for Lenny and Rachel. That is simply because we (by we I mean EVERYONE) love them!)
Mini-Wa, Hitomi, Auntie (we call her that out of respect) and Romeo |
The next day there was a construction good-bye Tea Break. THATSALOTTASNACKS! Yum!
Everything from Pringles to Egg Rolls and Sticky Rice. |
We get to try lots of exotic fruits and veggies here. This is Rambutan:

In Myanmar the word for this fruit is the same word that is used to describe the red thingy on a chicken's head. Whatever that is. It's quite delicious. The fruit, not the thingy on the chicken's head. They are difficult to eat because you have to fish out the giant seed in the middle but it is worth the effort. Friday night we headed to Gandamar, which is the closest thing to a Costco that you will find here. We bought Mentos. But we were tempted to buy this mosquito and snail repellent.

That's right. SNAIL repellent. Now, in case you are wondering the snails here are just as snail like as anywhere else and do NOT swarm you. Why this traditionally slow critter needs repelling, I am not sure. However, if you are having snail issues, this is your product! Upstairs in Gandamar there is a restaurant. Where we came to say that absolute final goodbye to Lenny and Rachel. We couldn't sit outside due to a party, however after some negotiation we were ushered to a private air conditioned room complete with private toilet and 3 waiters. And 2 TVS in case you wanted to do Karaoke. Oh and roaches. Can't forget them. I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat with my bag in my lap in case they wanted to come home with me. EW! They were little roaches but still. Everyone wondered why I was so tense, then they noticed. Then they got tense too! Ok, the guys didn't. Only the girls. Ok, only Courtney and me. Still. But the beer was good and the snacks were too. I was skeptical about eating food that came from a place with such blatant roaches. But everyone else was, so I figured, why not all get sick together! We didn't get sick though:D.
As you can see, we had a good time, roaches and all! Notice my bag is still in my lap? |
The next day we flew to Thailand for our visa renewal. Pictures of our adventures to come!
You are BRAVE!! Roaches??? I would have been out of there faster than lightning strikes!! EEEKKKK!!! :)