The week of 10/1 started with Kelvin coming for housekeeping training. I didn't make him clean the bathrooms. I thought that was noble..;) We got alot accomplished! In the evening we had some friends over for chocolate and popcorn. Yum! Later in the week I spent the day with a sister who doesn't speak English but she taught me the chorus for Listen, Obey and Be Blessed in Myanmar. I'm working on learning the rest of it, so far I'm halfway through the first verse. Hmm. Maybe if I can at least get the first verse before we go that will be good. Friday Kylie came for her training. No bathrooms that day either. Super noble. Saturday was a day that some friends came in and lent their support. I got to spend the day with Matt! Later I went up on the roof and witnessed first hand the incessant cutting up of that dumb tree. Every day. All day. Saw, saw, saw.
They do it old style. You have to admire their work ethic!!! |
Saturday evening we went out to eat with Brian and Allison. We went to a place we heard had good beer. We ordered the small.
That is not an optical illusion. Matt and I shared the small. Ahem. It was good! They have large too. That is like a family sized glass. You need lots of pals for that one!
The next day we walked to Oishi Sushi. On the way we saw some of the older buildings.
So pretty! |
Then we saw something truly awesome:
Can you read the sign? Public Mobile Urination Room. SO much more exotic than a portapotty I have to say.
On that note, we close this post.
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