Hey everyone. So I have been trying to blog but there is this tiny problem of my laptop not turning on. My pictures are on my laptop. So........there will not be a post for a couple weeks. Plus I am going to be visiting family and moving for the next couple weeks so there is lots going on. Wish I could just go ride an elephant or play with a tiger. Seems like a long time ago! It's fun blogging though, because I can enjoy my memories again and reminisce as I share them with you! Anyways, we are doing well back in the US of A right now. Keeping very busy but thats ok! We just found an apartment to move into March 1st and we hope to settle in and keep trying to simplify as we wait for what adventure may happen next! We have some dreams but we will see if they become realities or not. In the meantime I will try to blog ASAP. TTYL!
(You can tell I got my cell phone back on and have been texting again!)
Awww poor computer. I love reading your blog, keep it up girl. Isn't it amazing how much we find we have complicated our lives with STUFF when we start to simplify...my best advice....stay small and you have no room to do anything but (KISS) Keep It Simple Stupid.