Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Safari Conclusion

When we got back to camp our friend Gavin made breakfast on a Skottle Braai.  I have a picture, but I will leave it to your imagination, or you can Google. :D  He made a unique combination, bacon, eggs and...bananas.  Now, we thought that sounded um, interesting.  Turns out, it's really good!  He makes the eggs and bacon, then the bananas get caramelized in the butter, making them really sweet.

After that, we packed up and drove out of the park.
We did!
Instead of going straight home, we stopped by Kwa Maritane.  Which is African for, nice place to eat.  No, not really.  It's a safari lodge.  On our way in we saw a team of 3 men trimming off the bottom part of a door.
One to sit, one to inspect,and one to do the trimming. They were all really friendly and we went in to have a bite to eat.  Most people here are really friendly and helpful here.  It's a great place to visit.  On our way to the restaurant we saw Amarula trees.  Have you heard of Amarula?   It's a fruit they make liqueur out of. They say (whoever "they" is) that when it ferments and elephants eat it, they get tipsy.

Apparently the Amarula in the States is better than the stuff you buy here. This is based on people saying that they ship the really good stuff out. I'm not sure if that's true.  However, I am willing to agree to a blind taste test to find out for sure.

 We sat our on a deck, it was a very peaceful place to relax.  Not that the game viewing had been stressful though.

There were some friendly birds,
 After we ate, we went through a tunnel that went under the fields to a watering hole, where you have a view at eye level.
There weren't any animals at the moment, but if you happened to hit it right, it would be a very cool spot to watch them at.

Then we went home and got ready for our week.

Thank you for following along on a Safari Weekend with us.  We actually went to Kruger Park the weekend after that, but I won't show pictures from that right now.  I think it's time for Matt to write something about the project, he took our big camera on site last week,  So next time, you will hopefully hear from him.  He has had 3 different assignments since we got here, as have I.  I've had about 3.5ish.  It's been exciting to see things change and have the chance to learn lots of things, for us both.  Til next time!

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