Well. It's been a long, long, long, long, long, long time. Anyways, I've been off sick for a couple days, but was going through our pictures, we are so behind on editing and deleting them, I'm working on last year still. Ahem. So I thought I would take you back to last year, April. That's right, April 2015. We went and stayed the weekend with some in our congregation out in a rural area. We stayed in a little game farm. That means they have animals, no predators. Although, cheetahs, leopards and other small cats can exist all over, they are actually pesky to farmers, like wolves, coyotes and bobcats can be to farmers & ranchers back home. So there could have potentially been a leopard, but probably not. Our main reason to go there however, was to go preaching in a seldom worked area. Most congregations here in Jo'Berg go out for "unassigned" during one weekend during a few months each year. We arrived on a Friday night. It's all about the Braai:
It's taken seriously folks!
Here are some pictures of our little territory we went to:
Most homes are kept neat and tidy, no matter how simple. The dirt yard is swept and clean. |
Just like at home, you meet cows in the rurals. Bethuel was making sure they steered clear. :) |
And we meet dogs. |
And sometimes it's only the children you find at home. |
And one must stop for lunch!
After he's got his energy back, Matt has to tease the kids!
Meanwhile back at the ranch:
These are bushpigs! We have only seen these 2 in our whole time here in SA.
It's also all about the fire. Uncle Keith kept a careful watch, and we all tried a potjiekos stew. (Thats what is in the little pot there.) The pot will stay warm in the coals, and you can have a hot meal the next day too! |
And in the evening, after dark, some of us piled into an old Land Rover for a night safari drive:
We only broke down 3 times. Serious. Some didn't think we would make it out, but the faithful Rover always got started again. I was totally confident and not worried at all. |
But really, it is all about the people:
Watchtower study at our Bush Camp |
And of course, the people we came out to meet.
I actually have a bunch more pictures of the weekend. (Gasp, shock.) But tried to pick just a "few" highlights. That is rural, seldom worked territory an hour and half from Bethel.
Til next time!
Love, Us
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