Our time here coincided with the visit of the Project Overseer. In case you are wondering what a Project Overseer does, I will tell you! Now, I don't know everything that they do, but I will share what I do know. They travel to the different construction projects in their region to encourage the team and make sure that everything is running smoothly. It is similar to a Circuit Overseer, except they travel much further and they focus on construction. When we were in Moldova we were there for the visit of the P.O. as well. The visit is a very up-building and exciting time. It's so nice to get to know them and learn about things going on in other countries. It makes you see beyond the task that you are doing and feel that you are contributing to a worldwide building effort. During their visit they give a talk to encourage the team.
Here is our team, ready for the talk to start! |
The team is made up of people both local and from abroad, so it was interpreted into Myanmar.
Brother Banks assisted by a local brother. |
This one was about being up-building. We were encouraged to stay positive and encourage those around us. We also learned about some of the construction projects coming up in the region under the direction of the Australian Branch. Since this is a public blog I will not post details, but you are free to ask me privately if you would like.
After the talk we all visited for awhile and took some pictures before going back to work.
In the afternoon we headed off on another adventure, so that will begin in the next post!
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